black hair omg blog fermented rice shampoo

Melissa Lee of "Black Hair Omg" was gracious enough to write an article about our fermented rice herbal shampoo & products here at ROYAL HERBLA ORGANICS. Haven't heard of Black Hair OMG well check them out at 


 Listen... When you see older Asian women with 6 feet long hair and it's STILL jet black...You probably gonna feel some-kinda-way and start sniffin' around for answers.I smell a secret girly, and it smells fermented.If you haven't heard of the Yao women, look... 

Fermented Rice Shampoo

 With their average hair length of about 6 feet, the Yao ethnic women made it to the Guinness Book of World Records as the “world’s longest hair village.Part of their secret to having such long hair lies in washing it with fermented rice water.And there are a bunch of ways to get the amazing healthy-hair benefit and grow your hair stealing some of their tricks.In this article, I will show you an amazing fermented rice product that is selling faster than cold bottles of water on a hot day when Permit Patty started minding her own dang business. 

 Rice water contains vitamins like Vitamin B, C, and E and amino acids which can help in hair regeneration. Hair shedding also slows down.In a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2010, researchers showed that using rice water as a hair treatment offered significant benefits including reducing surface friction and increasing hair elasticity which ultimately stops hair breakage and hair fall.

DIY Rice Water Rinsing - You Can Do It!

There are many ways to make your oil rice rinse, fermented or non-fermented. Many say the fermented version is kindy funky smelling.Don't worry though, a favorite READY-MADE product named Royal Herbal Organics makes a WONDERFUL-SMELLING fermented rice herbal shampoo and conditioner.  

 YouTubers are NUTS about it and almost EVERY review I see are from women going crazy over the softness and growth results. I'll post some more info about that later in this article though.For right now check out this rice water rinse vid and see the benefits! 


Royal Herbal Organics Fermented Rice Shampoo - BELOVED!

There are a lot of videos showing how to make your own fermented rice rinse, but when it comes to making a great DIY fermented rice shampoo, that's harder to find.What you WILL find are lots of YouTube reviews of Royal Herbal organics products that are SO HAPPY with the results.Check out some video reviews.... 



Pros and Cons I Noticed From Print Reviews

I've read more reviews than I can count for these products AND I've used them myself.I loved it by the way. So here are the main things you learn about Royal Herbal Organics shampoo and conditioner when examining reviews...

  • Boosts hair growth like crazy...
  • Smell Amazing...
  • Heals hair to fight split ends...
  • Adds brilliant shine and volume...
  • Strengthens from the inside out...
  • Give protection against future hair damage...
  • Gets rid of dandruff...
  • Strengthens your roots...
  • Moisturizes like nobodies business...
  • Spa for hair | Luxurious Hair Care


  • A bit pricey...
  • Bottle size is too small for some...
  • Not a wash and go.

Really, the ONLY (very few) complaints I saw in some written reviews of Royal Herbal Organic's poo and condish combo was people SLIGHTLY complaining about the price and bottle size, even then, they were still saying they love the products and would buy again. It's just worth it.And it's handmade, so you're always gonna pay a lil' more for the extra attention to detail and hand craftsmanship involved.

The Science Behind Why Fermented Rice Heals Hair: INOSITOL

Both scientists and beauty lovers have tried to find why rice water works so well at beautifying, strengthening and growing hair. Well...Studies have found that the natural chemical inositol, an ingredient found in rice water, is able to penetrate damaged hair and repair it from the inside out. It even protects hair from future damage.This inositol even stays in your hair even after the rice water is rinsed off, acting as a shield and protecting your hair from damage. Rice water also contains amino acids that strengthen the hair roots, increase hair volume, and make your hair shiny and smooth.It's perfect for hair.

More Details About Royal Herbal Organics Products

Look my Lovelies! You can get your hair ALL THE WAY on track by giving Fermented Rice Herbal Shampoo a try.This is a 3-in-1, Co-Wash, SHAMPOO & SCALP RENEWAL DETOX.It delays the grays, grows back edges and optimizes any conditioner after use.With over 20 years of research and development and 98% customer satisfaction, their unique NON-SUDS potion will bring a new experience to your hair regimen.They UNLEASH the worlds best keep secret for long healthy hair.Fermented rice has been used for years to keep hair long, thick, luscious hair!You will NOT find any of these chemicals in my products, like Silicone's, Petroleum, SLS, Phthalates, Paraben of any kind, propylene glycol, & other harsh chemicalsThe Yao minority ethnic women from Huangluo Village, in Guangxi Province, in southern China, have one striking feature in common—their extraordinarily long hair that stays black until they are around 80 years old. You hear me!?!You can use rice water for your face, body, and hair. Washing your face with rice water helps soften the skin and improve your complexion by firming the skin and reducing the size of pores.So head on over to Royal Herbal Organics and grab yours or atleast read the GREAT REVIEWS!